As Seen in AIN - Get Custom Upset Training


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Below you’ll find the latest news and events regarding APS, including our announcements, APS in the news, and events and shows we’re attending where you can meet with us in person to learn more about Upset Prevention & Recovery Training (UPRT).

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UPRT Podcast
Podcast: Preventing Loss of Control Accidents
Industry experts discuss three recent business aviation accidents and possible ways these tragedies could have been …
A Major Pilot Licensing Deficiency
Industry experts discuss three recent business aviation accidents and possible ways these tragedies could have been …
APS S211 Jet in Nose High Upset
The Every Pilot in Control Upset Training Mastery Program
The ‘Every Pilot in Control’ UPRT Mastery Program™ by Aviation Performance Solutions (APS) represents a major advancement in the …
APS Advanced UPRT Instructor PIlot
As an Experienced Pilot, Do I Still Need UPRT Training?
Industry experts discuss three recent business aviation accidents and possible ways these tragedies could have been …
Lifesaving Lessons Learned: Avoiding a Similar Fate
Industry experts discuss three recent business aviation accidents and possible ways these tragedies could have been …
Key Takeaways from BASS 2024: Are You As Good As You Think?
Recognizing, reinforcing and stretching resilience is crucial for every pilot, both individually and within a crew …
s211 Upset Training Jet
Pilot Resilience: Stretching Beyond the Breaking Point
Recognizing, reinforcing and stretching resilience is crucial for every pilot, both individually and within a crew …
Tailoring the Future of Safety: Every Pilot In Control Personalized Protocols (EPIC-PRO) for UPRT
The Every Pilot In Control Personalized Protocols (EPIC-PP) marks a significant advancement in UPRT, offering a tailored, comprehensive …
Elevating Aviation Excellence with High Altitude Jet Upset Training
The realm of high altitude flight presents a unique set of challenges that demand specialized training for professional jet pilots. This …
3 Key Takeaways From the 2023 Bombardier Safety Standdown
Each year, business aviation benefits from the Bombardier Safety Standdown, which brings safety to the forefront with meaningful …
Thoughts on FAA Part 5 Safety Management System Based on NPRM
By Paul BJ Ransbury, CEO at Aviation Performance Solutions (APS) The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recently proposed Part 5 Safety …
Make your Safety Management System (SMS) More Robust and Watch Your Safety Culture Flourish
The best flight departments succeed in making stakeholders happy and also attract the best pilots. One of the most critical aspects of …
Upset Training MUST Integrate Different Platforms — Here’s Why
UPRT) mitigates the number one fatal risk pilots face on every flight — Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I). However, this statement is …
3 Ways to Leverage UPRT in a Pilot Shortage
While Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) provides the multiple benefits of enhancing pilot skills, mitigating the number one …
Paradigm Shift: Mitigation Equation and Wrap Up
  Join APS CEO Paul ‘BJ’ Ransbury for the sixth installment in a series of video discussions on Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) …
Paradigm Shift: Global Perspective
This video explores the global perspective on Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) including industry regulatory guides and best …
Paradigm Shift: LOC-I Accident Model
This video provides a detailed and animated explanation of the LOC-I accident …
Paradigm Shift: Military-like Generated Solutions
This discussion centers on the tendency to go to military solutions for upset training, the challenges and benefits of that, and how UPRT …
Paradigm Shift: LOC-I Escalation Spectrum
In this video, learn about the LOC-I Escalation Spectrum, a graphic that lays out in one graphic how LOC-I …
LOC-I Threat
What Is an Airplane Upset?
APS VP Clarke ‘Otter’ McNeace explains the definition of an airplane upset and how this definition is important in the context of …
Paradigm Shift: Loss of Control In-flight Causes and Mitigations
  Join APS CEO Paul ‘BJ’ Ransbury for a series of discussions on Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) causes, mitigations and a …
APS CEO 2021 Year in Review / What’s Ahead in 2022
APS CEO Paul ‘BJ’ Ransbury discusses major UPRT events from 2021 and looks ahead to what APS has in store for …
Best Aviation Safety Presentation 2021
As the aviation industry endeavored to make the slow grind back to normal against significant headwinds such as continuing disruptions due …
Happy New Year from APS
UPRT Paradigm Shift to Overcome Loss of Control In-flight
Bombardier Safety Standdown 2021 Workshop: UPRT Paradigm Shift to Overcome Loss of Control …
Why Supersonic Flight is Negative Training for Business Jet Pilots
In this paper, as military fighter pilots, airline pilots, and business jet pilots, we discuss the value of supersonic flight for subsonic …
High Altitude Jet Upset Training
In this UPRT Experts’ Corner discussion, originally live streamed on social media, APS and special guest Capt. John Cox, President …
Why On-Aircraft Upset Training Is King
This UPRT Experts’ Corner discussion, originally live on LinkedIn, addresses why comprehensive on-aircraft upset training is …
Required Intensity for Effective Airplane Upset Training
In recent years, the increased awareness of Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) as the predominant cause of fatalities in all segments of …
Flight Path Automation and Manual Handling Skills
Bombardier Safety Standdown Webinar by APS CEO, Paul BJ Ransbury Watch Video: 1000% Increase in COVID-19 Era Manual Handling Incidents As …
UPRT Real Life Saves
APS UPRT has been credited with saving hundreds of lives as a result of employing the learned Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) …
Could UPRT Have Saved Indonesian Jetliner Flight SJ182?
Loss of Control In-flight remains the single greatest cause of fatalities in commercial aviation. Recent airline accidents support the need …
What Is the Cost of Deprioritizing Safety?
Calculating the true costs of accidents can be extremely difficult. There is, however, a guiding principle that can be extracted from this …
‌What‌ ‌is‌ ‌the‌ ‌APS‌ ‌All-Attitude‌ ‌Upset‌ ‌Recovery‌ ‌Strategy‌™‌?
The AAURS is a proven, strategy-based intervention system incorporating psychological and physiological considerations to create a …
Pilot Proficiency in the Age of COVID-19
A recent article published online in BUSINESSTECH on Rusty Pilots in relation to the COVID 19 pandemic brought to light several aspects of …
Aviation Accidents Edged Up in 2019, But What About 2021?
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recently published preliminary accident stats for 2019 that show both general aviation and …
Elite Upset Training Instructors: 3 Required Elements for Safe and Effective UPRT Instruction
Who Is My UPRT Instructor? Mitigating the number one fatal risk to every pilot on every flight, Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I), is …
Manual Flight Operations Proficiency in the Age of COVID-19
Reduced Flying and Rusty Skills The reduction in demand for travel and transportation brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in …
Webinar Feedback: AURTA Revision 2 vs. 3
APS received pointed feedback on the webinar’s use of ‘Airplane Upset’ definition from the Airplane Upset Recovery Training Aid – …
The Snowbirds’ Captain Jennifer Casey: A Tragic Loss for the Aviation Community
Several of us at APS have had the opportunity to fly as display pilots performing formation aerobatics within less than a wingspan of …
IATA Safety Statistics: As Safe as it Gets?
IATA 2019 Safety Report Bears Great News for Commercial Flying Superseded by other events currently in the news, it would have been easy to …
Online Course FAQ
What Is a Stick Puller? The following FAQ comes from the APS Online Academy Course High Performance Jet Operations: Q: A stick puller? …
C5 Galaxy Airplane Upset
A C5 Galaxy on approach in Diego Garcia loses control and barely recovers at very low …
14 Issues with ‘Why Upset Training Just Doesn’t Work’ Published by Air Facts Journal
Why This Response by APS Matters to Aviation Safety and Saving Lives Over 30,000 pilots annually participate in APS-certified Upset …
A Look Ahead Into 2020 from APS CEO Paul Ransbury
Hello everyone, Happy New Year!  First and foremost, a big Thank You to our many 1000s of customers around the world for choosing …
Why Upset Training in Business Jets Is Not the Best Investment
Did you know that 7 of the Top 8 Vital Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) Success Elements are dependent on optimized training …
Single-pilot Operations Account for 6X More Fatal Loss of Control In-flight Accidents over Last 10 Years Compared to Crews
While Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) related accidents are infrequent, LOC-I remains the number one cause of fatal accidents and …
EASA Advanced UPRT Requirements Are a Big Step Toward Reducing LOC-I Fatalities
Go to APS EASA-approved UPRT Courses EASA Leads with Safety Regulations to Prevent Loss of Control In-flight European Union Aviation Safety …
Combating Loss of Control In-flight Through Overlay Training
Integrated Training Mediums Whether it is a symphony playing seamlessly together, an athletic team working in unison, or the combination of …
Two Dimensions of Training Intensity Critical for Effective Upset Training
By Paul BJ Ransbury, CEO at Aviation Performance Solutions (APS) The Every Pilot In Control Solution Standard™ (EPIC-S2™) encompasses …
What Are the Possible Deficiencies of Upset Prevention & Recovery Training?
Summary: Several factors, or a combination of factors, can contribute to Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I). While Upset Prevention and …
The Threat of Loss of Control In-flight in Special Mission Flying Operations
The Problem Since 2011, the percentage of overall fatalities due to Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) for airlines worldwide has increased …
WATS 2019 APS Presentation: Proper Upset Training for Airline Pilot Cadets
Turn-key solutions exist for airlines to implement tested and proven UPRT efficiently and cost …
Extraordinary Career Opportunity for Retiring Airline Pilots
Summary An Exciting Job Opportunity for Retiring Airline Pilots Your All-Attitude Flying Experience Is Needed Professional Aviation at its …
'Loss of Control In-Flight' Removed from the NTSB Most Wanted List
Key Point Summary: LOC-I has been removed from the NTSB “Most Wanted List” LOC-I Remains the Greatest Cause of Fatalities in Aviation …
One of the most frequently asked questions from pilots considering APS’s Emergency Maneuver Training Course is, “How can training in a …
AIN Podcast on Real Life Loss of Control In-flight: When It All Goes Sideways
  AIN’s Tales from the Flight Deck podcast features real life Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) stories from pilots who have …
Tail Plane Stall: Differentiating from a Main Wing Stall
Severe icing conditions probably means icing beyond the capability of your aircraft’s deicing or anti-icing systems. Avoid prolonged …
In November of 2017 the FAA reminded industry of the upcoming changes to training in their Information for Operators (InFO) titled, …
High Flight as an Upset Recovery Training Instructor
“Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth,” begins John Gillespie Magee Jr.’s personal explanation of what the experience of …
Pilot Shortage Addressed by Upset Recovery Training
For the majority of the past several decades, there have been more pilots than open pilot positions. However, due to several factors …
Inside and Outside the Normal Flight Envelope: Differences in Expertise
On May 17th of 2018 the FAA hosted an all day Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) workshop at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical …
4 Critical Issues for Further Consideration Following the NTSB Roundtable on Loss of Control In-flight
On April 24th, 2018, the NTSB devoted valuable time and attention to addressing the #1 cause of fatalities in aviation: Loss of Control …
APS White Paper: Comparing Industry Airplane Upset Recovery Training Aids
The airline industry is faced with a dilemma with two industry guidance documents addressing the awareness and mitigation of airplane upset …
1,500 Hour Rule and Loss of Control In-flight
By now, even most people outside of the aviation industry are aware of the increased flight hour requirement put in place for all …
Limited Effectiveness of Flight Simulators in Stall Training
In a well publicized Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) accident on May 15, 2017, a Lear 35 crashed while on a circling approach at …
The Persistent Threat of Loss of Control In-flight
Why does the problem of Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) persist despite aviation safety advancements? In 2018, APS President Paul …
U.S. Army Upset Training: Qualified Instructor Needed
Most people are now aware that Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) is the #1 cause of fatalities in civilian aviation. Clearly, the threat of …
Upset Prevention and Recovery Training
10 Reasons to Get Upset Prevention & Recovery Training (UPRT)
Most pilots are now familiar with the purpose of Upset Prevention & Recovery Training (UPRT), which is to teach pilots the skills …
A Pilot’s Nightmare: When the Magic Fails
Summary Advances in aircraft automation have significantly improved aviation safety; however, Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) remains a …
All The Pilots We Have
Increasing demand for pilots is changing considerations for automation and pilot staffing options. It has implications for pilot …
Why We Lose Control In Flight
Although these days it is well accepted that Loss of Control In-Flight (LOC-I) is the primary cause of aviation accidents in every sector …
MOST WANTED: LOC-I Continues as Prime NTSB Target
For the fourth consecutive year the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has placed Prevention of “Loss of Control in Flight in …
New Wake Vortex Safety Information Published by EASA
Following a well publicized wake vortex upset event in January of 2017 by a Challenger 604 which sustained damage resulting in its …
Pilot Response in Time Critical Aircraft Upset/Loss of Control Inflight (LOC-I) Events
Proper pilot response to an airplane upset or LOC-I situation is outside the scope of general training and requires effective training to …
Preparation and Training: Moving Beyond Luck
Every pilot knows the feeling.  Maybe you contributed.  Maybe it wasn’t your fault. But the margins were closer than you …
IBAC Webinar: Surviving Loss of Control In-flight
Presented by IBAC SafetyNet, the “Surviving Loss of Control In-flight” webinar is brought to you by the NBAA Safety …
NBAA Flight Plan Podcast: Taking a Closer Look at Preventing Loss of Control In-flight Accidents
NBAA Flight Plan is a weekly podcast by NBAA that provides an overview of important developments affecting NBAA members and the aviation …
Airman Certification Standards and Upset Recovery Training
The FAA is in the midst of changing the Practical Test Standards for pilots to a new system called Airman Certification Standards. These …
APS S211 Simulation of Challenger-A380 Wake Encounter
The APS S211 is rapidly becoming one of APS’ most popular Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) platforms. Hypothetical …
AIN Article: Upset Prevention Training Offers Huge Safety Gains
The following excerpt is from the article “Upset Prevention Training Offers Huge Safety Gains,” written by AIN journalist …
FAA Safety Alerts for Pilots (SAFO)
What is a SAFO? From the FAA website: “A Safety Alert for Operators (SAFO) is an information tool that alerts, educates, and makes …
APS A320 | A330 | A340 Airbus Type-specific Airline Upset Training
The APS Airbus Type-specific Airline Upset Training program has been developed based on years of first-hand experience providing fully …
AIN Feature Article: APS Jet Upset Training
Upset Prevention & Recovery Training (UPRT) has come a long way. Through decades of testing, standardizing, refining, and more testing, …
NBAA Safety Standdown Presentations: Overcoming Loss of Control In-Flight (LOC-I)
Given that Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) accounts for over 40% of fatal general aviation accidents and is the leading cause of …
APS S211 Standard Take-off Roll
The APS S211 is rapidly becoming of APS’ most popular Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) …
S211 Skidded Turn Stall – Circle to Land Scenario
This video illustrates the value of on-aircraft UPRT. The illustrated scenario cannot be effectively practiced in today’s advanced full …
Delivering UPRT in the APS SIAI-Marchetti S211 Jet Trainer, Part 2
In this second installment regarding the introduction of the APS S211 into service, APS Director of Operations, Karl Schlimm discusses the …
Delivering UPRT in the APS SIAI-Marchetti S211 Jet Trainer, Part 1
Delivering UPRT in an S211-Marchetti: What is required in a jet upset training platform? A discussion of the unique S211 …
High Altitude Airplane Upset – Roll Induced
High altitude airplane upset events require specialized knowledge by pilots operating high performance swept wing jet …
How to Create Your Customized APS Upset Training Course
Unusual Attitude Training Versus Upset Recovery Training
What Are the Differences Between Unusual Attitude Training and Upset Prevention & Recovery Training (UPRT) and Why Are They …
Upset Prevention and Recovery Training for Fly by Wire Aircraft
Randall Brooks, APS Vice President for Training, recently had the opportunity to speak with AIN reporter Matt Thurber, who wrote an …
Helicopter Upset Training in Fixed Wing Airplanes
By Paul BJ Ransbury, CEO at Aviation Performance Solutions (APS) For rotary wing (RW) pilots, the title of this article no doubt got your …
A-4 Skyhawk High Altitude Jet Upset Recovery Training
Today’s professional jet pilot operates at high altitude and high Mach near the edges of the envelope for most of their career. The APS …
Upset Recovery in the Real World
Summary The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has called for all commercial pilots to receive upset prevention and recovery …
Jet Upset Training in the Crew Environment
Summary – As we consider Jet Upset Training, consider that flight training in simulators for both airlines and corporate pilots …
Universal UPRT: Upset Prevention & Recovery Training
Just as virtually all pilots learn to fly instruments in a basic trainer, and those aviator skills are transferable to more sophisticated …
Simulator Upset Training with Extended Envelopes
By Paul BJ Ransbury, CEO at Aviation Performance Solutions (APS) In this discussion, APS addresses the capabilities of today’s …
Using Business Jets for Upset Recovery Training
By Paul BJ Ransbury, CEO at Aviation Performance Solutions (APS) The discussion that follows considers the substantial risk associated with …
What is Loss of Control In-Flight (LOC-I)?
Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) is the leading cause of airplane crashes and crash-related fatalities in commercial aviation worldwide, …
Applied UPRT Threat & Error Management
Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) remains the leading cause of fatal mishaps in aviation. Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) …
The General Aviation Industry's Debate on Angle of Attack
Various stall prevention measures have been tried over the history of aviation. Stall warning lights and buzzers, stick shakers and …
Wall Street Journal on Airline Upset Training
From the APS Corporate Administrator: “The following summary was written by Malina ‘Molly’ Dallmann, at APS Texas, in reference to …
Delta and APS Upset Training Featured in AeroSafety World
“Tight Fit” By Wayne Rosenkrans for AeroSafety World Magazine, June 2015 From the APS Corporate Administrator: “The following summary …
APS Speaks at 2015 Twin Cessna Flyer Convention
On 28 May 2015, the president of Aviation Performance Solutions LLC (APS), Paul BJ Ransbury, was honored to be the opening speaker at the …
Technology in Airline Jet Upset Training
Advanced flight simulators will play a key role in reducing the risk of loss of control in-flight as the industry looks to the future. This …
What Really Matters in an Upset Training Provider?
By Paul BJ Ransbury, CEO at Aviation Performance Solutions (APS) Dear valued customers and prospects, It is a privilege to communicate with …
APS Develops Airbus A320 Jet Upset Program
The president and VP Flight Training and Standards for Aviation Performance Solutions (APS) both recently spent a week in Utrecht, The …
Manual Input: Does UPRT Improve Manual Handling Skills?
Summary Manual flying can be described as intrinsic flying ability, assumed, at least by the flying public, to be part of the skill sets of …
Channelling Adrenaline: Upset Prevention & Recovery Training
Stress is an inevitable part of flying and can have lasting adverse effects on tasks critical to safe flying such as attention, memory …
Bombardier Safety Standdown 2014 – APS Delivers 4 Seminars
Related News Articles Safety Standdown Focused on Distraction Issues APS Company President, Paul BJ Ransbury, and APS VP Training & …
The Global Standard for Professional Jet Pilot UPRT
The training that pilots do now will directly impact their ability and preparedness to meet industry standards in UPRT in the future. It is …
Asia Pacific – APS Moderates Airline Upset Training Panel
24 September 2014 APS president Paul BJ Ransbury had the distinct honor of moderating a panel of internationally recognized loss of control …
EASA Hears APS Expert Testimony on Airplane Upset Training
Aviation Performance Solutions (APS) was invited to the headquarters of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in Cologne, Germany on …
Why Upset 'Recovery' Training is Essential to Reducing LOC-I
By systematically integrating the academic, psycho-physiological, and manual handling aptitudes, we can counter the threat of LOC-I through …
Cognitive Impedance and All-Attitude Awareness
New guidance on Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) from the FAA and ICAO incorporate two terms to describe psychological factors …
APS Airline Upset Training in Aviation Week
Review the Original Article at Aviation Week: Reconsidering Upset Recovery Training Important Note to Readers: Below, APS comments on …
Why Upset Prevention Training Alone Is Not Enough
Executive Summary The importance of practicing upset recovery in developing the skills to prevent airplane upsets before they occur is …
APS Europe: Accelerated Stall Demo
Accelerated Stall Demo: A comprehensive building block approach to skill development in UPRT requires instructor planning and a motivated …
Transfer of Knowledge: Upset Prevention & Recovery Training
The biggest single factor in transferring knowledge in UPRT is the properly trained instructor translating the LOC-I training experience …
Enhancement to the ICAO Manual on Upset Recovery
The ICAO framework employs an integrated approach that identifies training resources “to provide pilots with the necessary knowledge, …
Upset Prevention & Recovery Training for ISR Ops
An MC-12W fatally impacted terrain northeast of Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan while on a combat intelligence, surveillance, and …
Alternate Control Strategies in Upset Recovery Training
An October 2013 article in Aviation Week and Space Technology provided interesting revelations about the flight test program for …
Qualifications for Airplane Upset Training Instructors
In August of 2014 Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) became a requirement for all new candidates for the Airline …
Training for Upset Recovery Using Instrument References
In 2014, the FAA released its first Advisory Circular specifically addressing Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT). The reference …
The Big Sky, Theory, Luck, and Loss of Control In-flight
In aviation, the Big Sky Theory is that two randomly flying bodies are very unlikely to collide, as the three-dimensional space …
Crew Resource Management in Upset Prevention and Recovery
Accident statistics show that Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) is the leading cause of fatalities in both General Aviation and …
Automation: Monitoring the Pilot Monitoring
There have been several relatively high profile aviation accidents in the last few years that have brought into question the man-machine …
AIN – APS iPad Upset Training App a Valuable Tool
Original AIN Online Article: APS App Is a Valuable Tool in Upset Recovery Training by Rob Mark Aviation Performance Systems (APS) has …
Cautionary Notes on Upset Prevention and Recovery Training
The prominence of the Loss of Control In-flight accident rate is clear from the statistical evidence in accident data. If how to resolve it …
Airplanes for Safe Upset Prevention and Recovery Training
ICAO recommendations call for Upset Prevention and Recovery Training for all pilots prior to Commercial Licensing. This training would take …
Upset Prevention and Recovery: Doing it in the Airplane
Recently I was in a meeting discussing aspects of our Aviation Performance Solutions (APS) training and a gentleman that I was speaking …
Upset Training Preparation: Spatial Orientation
Your APS training will emphasize the flight envelope (i.e. limit load or G-limit) of the aircraft you typically fly. Depending upon your …
The Time Critical Nature of Airplane Upset Recovery
In “Defining Commercial Transport Loss-of-Control: A Quantitative Approach”, Boeing and NASA studied six different Loss of Control …
Airplane and Simulator Platforms in the Delivery of UPRT
IS-BAO has added upset training to their list of best practices. LOC-I is resistant to technological solutions as it is primarily a …
What is Important in Airline Transport Pilot Training?
In August of 2014, the FAA changed the regulations regarding the training required to become an Airline Transport Pilot (ATP). In the past, …
Upset Prevention and Recovery Training for ISR Operations
The following excerpts are from the Executive summary of the USAF Aircraft Accident Investigation Board Report: “On 27 April 2013, , an …
Maintaining Aircraft Control
Becoming a safe, competent pilot requires proficiency in myriad physical and mental abilities. Regardless of a pilot’s certification …
Upset Prevention for all Commercially Licensed Pilots
The term Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) is relatively new. A number of names have been used in the past to describe this …
Reducing Risk Podcast: Jet Upset Recovery Training
In this episode Randy Brooks from APS Training joins us to talk about an important topic, reducing risk in your private aviation …
Pilot Monitoring Skills and Upset Prevention and Recovery
In a time-critical and life-threatening airplane upset event, a disoriented pilot monitoring who is untrained in the enhanced safety skills …
FAA Improvements to Upgrade Stall Training in the Future
The FAA announced rules in 2013 aimed at upgrading the stall training for airline pilots. The modified regulations, which had been …
Spooky Times Call for Upset Prevention and Recovery
There are times (Halloween comes to mind) where ghosts and goblins are accompanied by screams of terror from frightened souls. But …
IS-BAO Registered UPRT Provider
IS-BAO: International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations IS-BAO, the International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations, …
What Is UPRT?
Upset Prevention and Recovery Training, often referred to as UPRT, is advanced flight training which mitigates the risk of Loss of Control …
New Statistics Show the Loss of Control Threat is Rising
Once a year (usually around September or October), there is a new set of statistics released by the Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) …
The Biology of an Aircraft Upset Event and Loss of Control
As pilots, our exposure to biology is generally limited to human factors subjects like hypoxia, fatigue, and spatial disorientation. These …
GBAA: APS Speaks on LOC-I at Business Aviation Safety Day
Mr. David Carroll, Director of Training Programs for Aviation Performance Solutions (APS), was invited to speak at the Georgia Business …
Thoughts about UPRT
In a report issued by Boeing in July 2012, LOC-I represents the most severe cause factor in commercial aviation over the past 10 years, …
Aerobatics and Upset Recovery Training Differences
Properly delivered aerobatics and upset training improve the capabilities of any pilot. However, upset training is focused on the skills …
Upset Prevention and Recovery Training and Instrument Flying
In the past, aerobatic or all-attitude maneuvering and instrument flying were often viewed as inhabiting opposite ends of the flying skills …
Upset Prevention and Recovery Training in Flight Simulators
As in most things in life, there’s a demand to get the most value out of the money spent for pilot training in the least time possible. …
Human Factors and High Altitude Upsets
Once the pilot recognizes the airplane is full aerodynamic stall, immediate corrective actions and decisions required for airplane recovery …
Starting Upset Prevention and Recovery Training Operations
As I count up the number of flight operations – different soaring operations, aerobatic flight schools, aerobatic teams, corporate …
Burbank, CA: APS Speaks at TBMOPA on Upset Recovery Training
Clarke “Otter” McNeace, the VP of Flight Training and Standards for Aviation Performance Solutions, headed west on Saturday morning, 8 …
EBACE 2013: CAE Introduces New and Expanded Training Programs
Please visit the original article link at AIN: CAE Introduces New and Expanded Training Programs EBACE CONVENTION NEWS » 2013 by …
APS 7-Ship Fly-by Event Video in Arizona
Aviation Performance Solutions (APS) performed a 7-ship formation fly-by event and photo shoot in Arizona on 6 April 2013. This video …
Real Saves: Surviving an Ice-induced Airplane Upset
Reproduced with Permission by APS Mainline Media Pick-ups: AIN – Operations: Upset Recovery Training Pays Off It has often been said …
APS Speaks at the NTSB Training Academy on Loss of Control
As part of Day 1 of the 2013 Air Charter Safety Symposium on Tuesday, 26 February 2013, the APS president Paul BJ Ransbury provided a …
APS Speaks in Brazil on Upset Recovery Training
On August 14, 2012, the Aviation Performance Solutions (LLC) president, Paul BJ Ransbury, spoke to a crowd of several hundred pilots and …
Flightglobal: APS Training Offers Pilots Real Upset Recovery
Review the Original Article at Flightglobal: APS Training Offers Pilots Real Experience of Upset Recovery A July 2009 report compiled by …
International Manual on Upset Recovery in Development
The APS president, Paul BJ Ransbury, is honored to be the team leader (since Nov 2011) on the development of a draft manual for the Royal …
By AIN: Upset Recovery Demands More Than Aerobatic Training
Read this Article at AIN Online: Upset Recovery Demands More Than Aerobatic Training by Rob Mark The emergency maneuver training provided …
APS Upset Recovery at Bombardier Safety Standdown 2012
Aviation Performance Solutions LLC (APS) had the great honor to participate in all four days of the Bombardier Safety Standdown 2012 in …
APS President Speaks on Upset Recovery at NBAA NW Regional Meeting
  Loss of Control In-Flight: Mitigation Strategies for Business Aviation Presented by Paul Ransbury, Aviation Performance Solutions …
Questions When Selecting an Upset Recovery Training Provider
Questions to Ask a Prospective Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) …
China Southern Upset Recovery Seminar in Zhuhai
20-21 July 2012: Upset Recovery / Loss of Control In-Flight Seminar at China Southern Airlines Zhuhai Loss of Control In-Flight Seminar by …
AeroSafety World: Guidelines in Upset Recovery Training by APS
At AeroSafety World: Link to Original Online ASW Version Evolving guidelines aim to correct deficiencies in methods of training for …
NTSB Chairman Cites Loss of Control In-Flight as a Primary Threat to Air Safety
Deborah A.P. Hersman, Chairman National Transportation Safety Board The video below shows the recorded opening remarks to the Royal …
ICATEE Outlines Loss of Control In-Flight Progression
Dr. Sunjoo Advani, Chairman of the Royal Aeronautical Society’s ICATEE (International Committee for Aviation Training in Extended …
All-Attitude All-Envelope Red Zones: Pilot / Instructor Deficiencies in Loss of Control
Addressing Upset Prevention Training in Aviation The airline industry’s Airplane Upset Recovery Training Aid, Revision 2 defines airplane …
ICATEE Selects APS to Lead Fly-by-Wire Airplane Upset Group
At the 14-16 June 2011 International Committee for Aviation Training in Extended Envelopes (ICATEE) meeting in Amsterdam, APS was selected …
Upset Recovery Brief to Pilatus Owners and Pilots Association (POPA 2011) in Denver, Colorado
A report issued by Boeing in July 2010, and a 2011 general aviation report issued by the GAJSC, identify Loss of Control In-Flight (LOC-I) …
Unloading in a Spiral Dive: Pushing, Rolling or Both?
The Spiral Dive Question … In a Spiral Dive, I’ve heard it said a pilot should reduce g-loading prior to rolling in an …
GAJSC Cites Loss of Control In-Flight as Fatality Leader in General Aviation 2001-2010
The following accident analysis information was presented in the June 2011 Issue of Sport Aviation magazine … 10-Years of Accidents …
NBAA Upset Recovery Industry Update CASS 2011
Summarizing 2 years of focused industry effort on systematically identifying and addressing the Loss of Control In-Flight (LOC-I) problem, …
Deficiencies in Upset Recovery Training Methodologies
There are a number of research needs and deficiencies in training methodologies for upset/stall prevention and recovery training protocols. …
ALPA Announces Resolution: Upset Recovery Training
Bryan Burks with ALPA speaks on research and on-going advancements in upset prevention and recovery training in the aviation industry. …
Role of CRM in Upset Recovery Training
The Crew Resource Management (CRM) aspect of Upset Prevention & Recovery Training (UPRT) is particularly challenging due to the wide spread …
Alternate Control Strategies: Upset Recovery Training
The 22% Solution: Alternate Control Strategies In preparation for the article below, please review the APS Transfer of Skill Discussion. In …
Are Upset Recovery Training Skills Transferable?
The assumption that pilots already have a safe level of measurable skill in dealing with upset scenarios outside their small …
Will I Fail in an Airplane Upset?
If you speak to any upset recovery instructor you can find who teaches a true fully comprehensive all-attitude all-envelope upset recovery …
International Loss of Control Developments and Regulatory Efforts
By Paul BJ Ransbury President of APS Emergency Maneuver Training March 2010 This is such an exciting time in history to be involved with …
Upset Recovery Training: Practical Survival Skills
Enter APS Emergency Maneuver Training, whose motto is ‘to fly another day.’ APS is located in Mesa, Arizona, and is one of a handful …
Incipient Spin Recovery
The Incipient Spin is a term assigned to the transition phase during which a stall is propagating towards a developed spin. The recovery …
Various Wing Designs at High Angle of Attack
The understanding of how wing shape dramatically effects stall characteristics and resulting aircraft behavior is another critical element …
Various Wing Designs: Stall Characteristics
The understanding of how wing shape dramatically effects stall characteristics and resulting aircraft behavior is another critical element …
The V-G Diagram (V-N Diagram)
The V-G Diagram is a relatively unfamiliar diagram to most non-military pilots. However, it’s full understanding and practical implication …
Preparing for Your APS Upset Recovery Course
Preparing for Your APS Upset Recovery …
The Total Lift Equation
The Total Lift Equation is an important component in the development of a pilot’s ability to academically understand the founding …
The Coefficient of Lift and Drag Curve is fundamental to upset recovery and stall/spin training techniques. In this video clip, Clarke …
V-G Diagram Discussion with APS Training
These video training sessions provide a detailed overview of the meaning of the V-G Diagram as it relates to upset recovery, stall/spin and …
Skidded Turn Traffic Pattern Stall Discussion
Skidded Turn Traffic Pattern Stall …
Nose High Unusual Attitude Recovery (Low Bank)
Overbank Nose-Low Recovery
Below APS has provided a Ground Training and Flight Training Video meeting the format and prioritization of the URTA recovery procedures. …
Skip to the Video Clip. During the Upset Recovery Training Course at APS, we put our clients into a wide variety of scenarios that prepare …
Inverted Spin Recovery
In this video we take a look at an Inverted Spin entry and recovery as part of the final training mission of the 3-Day 5-Mission Emergency …
The Incipient Spin Recovery
The Incipient Spin is a term assigned to the transition phase during which a stall is propagating towards a developed spin. The recovery …
The Aileron Roll – APS Video
In this discussion we are isolating the Aileron Roll as a maneuver that’s “techniques of execution” can be transferred to any aircraft. The …
The Zoom Maneuver
The Zoom Maneuver is an altitude-gaining maneuver where the nose of the aircraft is pitched excessively nose-high and then gently unloaded …
Flat spin recovery demostration video
The Sustained Stall Exercise
  Author: Paul “BJ” Ransbury, President APS Emergency Maneuver Training Part 141 Chief Flight Instructor Master …
Power off upright spin recovery demonstration
Power off upright spin recovery demonstration …
Skidded turn traffic pattern stall demonstration
Please take a moment to assess the Flight Instruction offered in this clip by APS. Then, if you have a few moments, read through article …
Nose high unusual attitude recovery
Nose high unusual attitude recovery: Reacting Quickly in an Over-Banked Situation. Loss of control of your aircraft while in flight is a …
For the sake of our safety and for that of our passengers, we usually fly within narrow tolerances as we takeoff, climb, level off, turn, …
Preparing for Your APS Upset Recovery Course
2009: “This is my second time attending training at APS for emergency maneuvering and recovery. It is no exaggeration, this is the …
Commercial Aviation Safety Team: 2009 Statistics
   PRE-AMBLE EXPLANATORY CONTENT PER “2009 CAST REPORT” LINK ABOVE… The accident statistics presented in this …
Fundamentals: Repetition to Proficiency
Upset Prevention & Recovery Training Fundamentals: Repetition to …
Fundamentals of Upset Recovery: Planned Approach
Fundamentals of Upset Recovery: Planned …
Fundamentals of Upset Recovery: Startle Factor
Video on Fundamentals of Upset Recovery: Startle …
Fundamental Upset Recovery Elements: Academics
Video on Fundamental Upset Recovery Elements: …
What is the Big Deal about Angle of Attack?
As opposed to picking “one” aerodynamic component as “the” critical factor in upset recoveries, a thorough discussion of recovery …
What Is Angle of Attack? — Three Critical Angles
Whether we are professional pilots or weekend warriors heading off for $100 hamburgers on Saturday morning excursions, it is very easy to …
Spinning Normal Category Airplanes
Spinning Normal Category Aircraft – What’s the Risk?
The Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) plays a critical role in ensuring every pilot being instructed and evaluated by them is ultimately …
All-Attitude Upset Recovery
Original APS Press …
On December 22, 1996, an Airborne Express DC-8 N827AX with 6 crewmembers on board (3 flight crew and 3 maintenance/avionics technicians) …
Recovering from the dive
TOPIC: AVOIDING THE GROUND WHILE KEEPING THE WINGS ATTACHED   Written by: Karl “Schlimmer” Schlimm APS Emergency Maneuver …
Formation flying is fun and inherently dangerous when you are flying with another aircraft only a few feet apart. For those with the proper …
Traffic Pattern Stalls
This article focuses on the skidded stall in the traffic pattern. The skidded stall is one of two classic cross-controlled …
Role of Aerobatics in Emergency Maneuver Training
Pilots often react inappropriately to emergency situations. Having the knowledge and skills necessary to control your aircraft during a …
Lesson learned from USAIR Flight 427
Lesson learned from USAIR Flight 427: So what happened to Flight 427? As the rudder of Flight 427 deflected fully and yawed the 737 to …
There is no excerpt because this is a protected …
VLJ Upset Recovery Training Discussion
The industry needs to be taking affirmative action to address Loss of Control In-Flight through the implementation of training programs to …
The "Say & Do" Technique
Developing pilot skills to recover from an in-flight upset or loss of control flight condition is of little value if you can’t recall those …
FAA Advisory Circular, AC-90-23E
All Pilots are taught to be aware of wake turbulence. However, recent incidents indicate that pilots need to keep in mind how severe wake …
Unusual Attitude Recovery Stategies
Loss of Control in Flight usually follows an aircraft upset or unusual attitude caused by factors such as pilot distraction, wake …
Lesson Learned: Beech V35B Traffic Pattern Stall/Spin
The pilot flew a GPS Rwy 35, circle-to-land runway 17 approach during night instrument meteorological conditions. A witness reported that …
Role of Aerobatics in Upset Recovery Training
Have you ever been upside down in an airplane? There are those of us who intentionally fly aerobatic-type maneuvers for fun, profit, …
Inadvertent Spin Recovery Guide
Inadvertent Spin Recovery Guide: this procedure is designed to achieve optimum anti-spin effect and is consistent with recommendations …

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