As Seen in AIN - Get Custom Upset Training

Aviation Inspector/Regulator Upset Training

Course Description

Developed for ICAO member National Aviation Authorities (NAAs) such as EASA and the FAA, this program allows regulators and inspectors to experience the full spectrum of comprehensive Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) from on-aircraft cadet training to simulator based airline-level implementation. Because of the multi-layered and complex nature of UPRT solutions, a hands-on understanding of the critical elements of effective upset training, as well as a deep knowledge of the potential and possibly dangerous challenges of a UPRT program, are critical for regulatory authorities to effectively evaluate and offer corrective guidance to airlines trying to meet current UPRT standards. Four course options are available to meet specific training and budget needs.

Course Options

  • Regulator Integrated Upset Training
    3 day course with 4 on-aircraft flights in an Extra 300 and classroom academics. Provides essential human factors and aerodynamics not seen in a flight simulator.
  • Regulator Integrated Upset Training (3+1)
    3-day course, with 4 on-aircraft flights (3 in an Extra 300, and 1 flight in the SIAI Marchetti S211), and classroom academics. Illustrates commonalities and differences between piston and jet training platforms.
  • Simulator Instructor Upset Delivery Training for Regulators
    Includes the Regulator Program above plus a 2-day Airline Simulator Intensive Training Course, designed to illustrate the challenges of Airline Training specific to UPRT.
  • Simulator Instructor Upset Delivery Training for Regulators (3+1)
    Includes the Simulator Instructor Upset Delivery Training for Regulators Program above with 3 flights in an Extra 300 and 1 flight in the SIAI Marchetti S211, providing an understanding of training platform similarities and differences.

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