Upset Training Solutions International (UTSI) will deliver a free webinar for Pilots seeking the EASA Advanced UPRT (FCL.745.A) completion certificate who are in need of an economical, effective, and efficient solution. The event is being hosted by UPRT leader, Aviation Performance Solutions, along with UTSI UPRT instructors to wrap-up with a dedicated Q&A session.

Upset Training Solutions International (UTSI), a flight training organization with an operating location in Europe (EU) dedicated to Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT), announced today a free webinar for pilots seeking the EASA Advanced UPRT (FCL.745.A) completion certificate. The webinar addresses the economical, effective, and efficient solutions available to every European pilot. The webinar will be hosted by UPRT industry leader, Aviation Performance Solutions, to include instructors and leaders from UTSI in Europe and concludes with a dedicated Q&A session with expert UPRT instructors.
Topic: Turnkey EASA Advanced UPRT Solutions
When: July 9, 2021 at 4pm CEST
“While the EASA regulations being addressed by UPRT providers are the same, the teaching methodology and tools can vary greatly,” said Francois Jurres, UTSI’s general manager, “Pilots can get the lean training minimums required by EASA, but still train with elitely trained and highly qualified instructors and in purpose built aircraft with optimal capability and the widest safety margins.”
About Upset Training Solutions International (UTSI)
Upset Training Solutions International (UTSI) is dedicated to providing economical, regulatory-compliant, on-aircraft Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UTSI) solutions mandated by National Aviation Authorities. Endorsed by internationally-recognized experts, such as the global UPRT leader Aviation Performance Solutions, with decades of experience delivering effective UPRT solutions worldwide, UTSI efficiency meets regulatory minimums in response to COVID-19’s impact on the flight training industry. In Europe, UTSI operates out of Breda International Airport in partnership with the Test and Training Centre, an EASA Approved Training Organization (ATO).
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For Media Inquiries – Contact Francois Jurres, +31 16 5313559 or