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Arizona Flight School Launches Advanced Simulator Solutions to Mitigate the Loss of Control In-Flight Threat

Contact: Faye Hamilton

Mesa, AZ – APS Emergency Maneuver Training launches expansion of upset recovery training services to include full motion simulator training courses pioneered specifically to mitigate Loss of Control In-Flight, the leading cause of fatalities in commercial aviation worldwide.

According to Boeing’s Statistical Summary of Commercial Jet Airplane Accidents – Worldwide Operations 1959 – 2006, Loss of Control In-Flight (LOC-I) represents the most severe accident cause factor in commercial aviation over the past 10 years. This report indicates LOC-I resulted in the most crash-related fatalities from 1997 through 2006 – even more than the historic leader, Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT). Aviation safety organizations and legislating agencies continue to accurately identify the lethality and severity of LOC-I. Unfortunately, without a demonstrated ability to implement an effective solution to the loss of control threat, commercial aviation will continue to be plagued by high rates of LOC-I fatalities until an answer is found. Where CFIT can be economically addressed through the integration of ground proximity warning systems and synthetic vision instrumentation augmentation, technology does not offer a “quick fix” to LOC-I from extreme flight conditions. In response to this persistent threat, the aviation industry continues to seek innovative upset recovery training services to mitigate the LOC-I worldwide.

Founded on 13 years of rigorous course development and over 12,000 flight hours of real-airplane upset recovery instruction, APS Emergency Maneuver Training has created innovative flight training services in full motion simulators to develop highly effective upset recovery skills in professional pilots. These simulator courses of training use the world’s most advanced full flight simulators and are modeled around the recommended training procedures and training exercises dictated in the FAA Airplane Upset Recovery Training Aid. “A tremendous amount of valuable training can take place in advanced full flight simulators to instill procedural all-attitude recovery ability in pilots of any technologically advanced fixed-wing commercial aircraft.” says Paul BJ Ransbury, President of APS Emergency Maneuver Training and airline pilot, “It is the responsibility of training organizations around the world to implement standardized instructional solutions for pilots to effectively and immediately resolve threatening flight conditions before they develop into the extreme. However, if faced with an extreme flight condition beyond everyday experience thresholds, pilots should have no question as to what to do in the cockpit to save lives.” Ransbury emphasized APS Emergency Maneuver Training continues to offer a variety of statistically-proven-effective upset recovery training courses in real aircraft. By combining highly specialized ground training with full flight simulators, APS offers a risk-free training option to airlines and corporate flight departments seeking a technical and procedural solution to mitigating the loss of control risk.

About APS Emergency Maneuver Training

APS provides a spectrum of specialized training services to benefit almost any organization’s budget constraint to mitigate the Loss of Control In-Flight threat. With stand-alone and combined programs integrating multi-media academic seminars, up to Level D full flight simulators and real aircraft flight training in high performance aerobatic platforms, APS provides the safest environment possible while allowing pilots to explore any flight envelope or maneuver series desired. All APS instructor pilots are commercial airline pilots, formal course military instructors and graduates of the APS Platinum Seal Instructor Pilot Upgrade Program specially trained to deliver enjoyable, educational and safety-first aviation courses to pilots of all skill and experience levels. APS Emergency Maneuver Training offers what has been appropriately coined the “Master’s Degree Program in Upset Recovery Training” and is receiving an influx of positive attention by pilots and aviation companies throughout the aviation industry.

Simulator Courses Available: Simulator-Only Jet Upset Recovery | Combined Simulator/Aircraft Jet Upset Recovery
Download Simulator Services Brochure: Click Here
Web-Based Training Brochure: Click Here

For media inquiries, photos and flight information, visit: or contact the APS Media Relations, Faye Hamilton, toll free at 1-866-359-4273 or by email

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