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APS Assists ICAO Airline Upset Training Enter Asia

Original Press Release at PRWeb: APS Assists ICAO Airline Upset Training Enter Asia 
Aviation Performance Solutions LLC (APS) is assisting the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in a global effort to educate airlines and aviation authorities on the effective implementation of the ICAO Manual on Aeroplane Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) developed to comprehensively address Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) – commercial aviation’s leading cause of fatal accidents . This week’s seminars, part of an ongoing worldwide initiative, are being delivered in South Korea and Singapore.

ICAO UPRT Event in South Korea
ICAO Upset Prevention and Recovery Training Seminar in South Korea

Mesa, Arizona (PRWeb) May 19, 2016 – Aviation Performance Solutions LLC (APS), a global flight training organization specializing in Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) and Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) solutions, announced today its continued collaboration with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) on two educational events in a series of international public air safety seminars dedicated to providing clear guidance to national aviation authorities around the world on the implementation of the ICAO Manual on Aeroplane Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT).
Effectively delivered ICAO-compliant UPRT reduces the risk of Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I), the number one cause of fatalities in commercial aviation worldwide over the past 10 years. Upset Prevention and Recovery training mitigates the threat of LOC-I through pilot education and practical skill development; however, proper training of UPRT instructors and ICAO-compliant delivery of the training are essential to maximize the benefit of UPRT and avoid possible negative training.
APS assisted in delivering ICAO UPRT messaging in Nairobi, Kenya in mid-July of 2015 and in Istanbul, Turkey in August. This week in both South Korea and Singapore, APS is contributing to the delivery of a series of educational presentations including advanced simulator UPRT demonstrations to airlines, regulators, and global training experts concerning the recently published ICAO Manual on Aeroplane UPRT. “APS is honored to be an on-going expert resource in assisting ICAO in bringing modernized UPRT to airlines, regional operators and regulatory agencies around the world”, said Paul BJ Ransbury, the President of Aviation Performance Solutions. “The aviation industry is becoming acutely aware of the critical need for industry-vetted and standardized upset prevention and recovery training to protect the traveling public. UPRT implementation in compliance with proven methods is essential to global air safety and is powerfully enabled by ICAO’s breakthrough Manual on Aeroplane UPRT in combination with IATA UPRT best practices”.
APS logoAviation Performance Solutions LLC (APS), headquartered at the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport in Mesa, Arizona, trains thousands of professional pilots and instructors in comprehensive upset prevention and recovery training skill development. APS provides integrated LOC-I solutions via industry-leading computer-based, on-aircraft (jet and piston), and full-flight simulator upset prevention & recovery training (UPRT). All training is in full compliance with the Airplane Upset Recovery Training Aid – Revision 2, FAA Advisory Circular 120-109A on Stall and Stick Pusher Training, ICAO Manual on Aeroplane Upset Prevention and Recovery Training and the FAA Advisory Circular 120-111 on Upset Prevention and Recovery Training. APS is the only Part 141 Flight School certified in the delivery of complete upset prevention & recovery, stall/spin and instrument upset recovery training courses worldwide. With additional training locations in Dallas (USA), The Netherlands (Europe) and the Saudi Arabia (Middle East), APS provides global access to the highest quality upset prevention and recovery training available. www.apstraining.com.


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