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APS Announces 2018 Upset Training Scholarship

APS Scholarship Ground On Aircraft
On-aircraft live upset training is essential to pilots overcoming the potentially incapacitating human factors associated with surviving a developing loss of control in-flight event in the real world.

Aviation Performance Solutions LLC (APS) announced today its 2018 Upset Prevention & Recovery Training (UPRT) Scholarship Program, which will award the selected applicant a comprehensive 3-day APS Professional Pilot Upset Training Course. UPRT taken early in a pilot’s career builds a foundation of skills and intuitive responses to help prevent or recover from unexpected loss of control in-flight, aviation’s leading cause of fatalities, and also improves general manual handling skills and airmanship.
Original PRWeb Press Release: APS Announces 2018 Upset Training Scholarship
Mesa, Arizona (PRWEB) January 18, 2018 – Aviation Performance Solutions LLC (APS), a global flight training organization specializing in Upset Prevention & Recovery Training (UPRT), announced today its scholarship award program for 2018. Each year, APS awards one Professional Pilot Upset Training Course, involving 3-days and 4 flights covering 5 missions, to a deserving pilot starting their professional aviation career. Now in its seventh year, the APS scholarship program is dedicated to supporting the aviation industry as well as APS’ fundamental goal to improve global aviation safety.
The Professional Pilot Upset Training Course provides new and seasoned pilots with intense ground and on-aircraft training focused on mitigating the risk of Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I), the number one cause of fatalities in all categories of civil aviation. The goal of training is always to prevent an upset situation from occurring in the first place, and research has shown that practicing recovery techniques not only gives pilots the often counter-intuitive skills necessary to calmly recover should an upset develop, but this type of training also increases pilots’ ability to recognize and prevent a developing situation before it becomes a problem. Additionally, UPRT develops general manual handling skills and improves overall pilot airmanship.
“APS is honored to be able to continue to give back to the aviation industry through APS UPRT Scholarship program,” said Paul Ransbury, President of APS. “Each scholarship winner to date has been very enthusiastic about learning these life-saving skills which benefit them personally as well as those they fly with throughout their aviation careers.”
To be considered for the 2018 APS Upset Recovery Training Scholarship, a prospective recipient must be a current student or recent graduate of an Aviation College or University Aerospace program. The winner will be selected based on their overall GPA, flight ratings/certificates, flight experience, letters of recommendation and a personal essay. Applications for the APS Upset Training Scholarship will be accepted through April 2, 2018. To find out more and apply, please visit: www.apstraining.com/scholarship/
Aviation Performance Solutions LLC (APS), headquartered at the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport in Mesa, Arizona, trains thousands of professional pilots and instructors in comprehensive Upset Prevention and Recovery Training skill development. APS provides integrated LOC-I solutions via industry-leading computer-based, on-aircraft (jet and piston), and full-flight simulator Upset Prevention & Recovery Training (UPRT). All training is in full compliance with the Airplane Upset Recovery Training Aid, FAA Advisory Circular 120-109A on Stall Training, ICAO Manual on Aeroplane Upset Prevention and Recovery Training, IATA Guidance Material and Best Practices for the Implementation of Upset Prevention and Recovery Training, and the FAA Advisory Circular 120-111 on Upset Prevention and Recovery Training. APS is the only Part 141 Flight School certified in the delivery of complete upset prevention & recovery, stall/spin and instrument upset recovery training courses worldwide. With additional training locations in Texas (USA), The Netherlands (Europe), and military division in Alabama (USA), APS provides global access to the highest quality Upset Prevention and Recovery Training available.


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