Learn About the UPRT Pilot Mastery Framework

APS S211 Standard Take-off Roll

The APS S211 is rapidly becoming one of APS’ most popular Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) platforms.

APS S211 Standard Take-Off Sequence Outline

APS SIAI-Marchetti S211

The standard take-off sequence for the APS S211 is always preceded with detailed customer briefings on cockpit strap-in and egress procedures as well as an outline of the take-off standard call-outs relevant to their awareness. Below, while APS President – Paul BJ Ransbury is at the controls of the S211 in the video above, a few of the call-outs are explained in some detail:

  • “Performance Checks”: The APS instructor in the front seat has assessed the initial acceleration and engine performance by thoroughly reviewing the engine instruments to ensure the engine is performing both within limits but also as pre-briefed for the expected NL readout (Low Pressure Turbine RPM in a percentage format).
  • “80 Knots”: At 80 KIAS during the take-off roll, the APS instructor calls out the speed to confirm the performance of the take-off roll is as expected and continuing but also for the rear seat occupant to confirm their speed indications. Most customers in training at APS that come from a crewed airplane will often respond to the “80 Knots” call-out with “Checks” meaning they see and agree with the airspeed.
  • “Rotate”: This prebriefed speed–typically between about 93 and 98 knots–indicates the pilot will be rotating the nose of the aircraft to approximately 7.5 to 10 degrees above the horizon thereafter gently and promptly climbing away from the ground.
  • “Positive Rate, Gear Up”: Indicates the aircraft is airborne, performing as expected, and the gear is to come up. Although the operation of the S211 is conducted single pilot, APS instructors operate in manner that aligns with typical crewed operations from the standpoint of call-outs. In a crewed airplane, the Pilot Flying (PF) will typically call for “Gear Up” and then the Pilot Monitoring (PM) will physically select the gear up to assist and work together. At APS, the instructor pilot both announces and actions the call-outs when not in the training area where crewed procedures are typically adopted for configuration changes during training exercises for pilots in training that typically perform crew operations.
  • “120 Knots, Flaps Up”: This finalizes the clean up of the airplane once the gear retraction is either underway or complete and the speed is appropriate (given the conditions) to confidently retract the flaps.
  • “After Take-Off Check – Complete”: After the APS Instructor (the PF) has completed the actions and checks related to the take-off sequence, the instructor will physically, visually, and vocally confirm each item of the checklist before making this announcement.

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