AIN’s Tales from the Flight Deck podcast features real life Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) stories from pilots who have found themselves in precarious situations in flight. In Episode 16, titled “When It All Goes Sideways,” several pilots relate their stories about experiencing a dangerous Loss of Control In-flight and the unique flight conditions that led up to the airplane upsets. The podcast also features expert input from APS and aerobatic flight instructor Patty Wagstaff, who explain the flight conditions leading to the upsets as well as how pilot response is critical to recovery.
One of the featured stories is the tale of Dave Newland, a Challenger pilot who experienced the terrifying situation of being flipped by the wake vortex of a Boeing 747. In the highlight of the podcast, Dave is asked about the level of startle and surprise he experienced during what normally would have been a paralyzingly startling event. His reply speaks volumes about the importance of Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) that provides sufficient practice, allowing pilots to ingrain the skills necessary to successfully overcome startle and surprise and recover from an unexpected LOC-I.
Listen to the full podcast on AIN: When It All Goes Sideways | AIN Tales from the Flight Deck Podcast