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Flat spin recovery demostration video

APS Training – Video Clip of the Month


It is important to note that not all aircraft are recoverable from a spin. The vast majority of large aircraft become inertially locked in a developed spin and are unrecoverable without a drag chute or other test-flight spin recovery devices (if recoverable at all). Although APS takes you through all upsets, stall variations and spin conditions, the focus of the program is to recognize and avoid these situations from the beginning. In this case, the entire spin condition could have been avoid had the initial stall been recovered from or avoided in the first place. A single engine certified normal or utility category aircraft must only demonstrate recoverability from a one-turn spin. After that, all bets are off unless the aircraft is approved for spins and loaded in accordance with the POH.
An aggravated upright spin is an upright spin that does not have the controls in the following conventional power-off upright spin positions:

  1. Power – Idle
  2. Controls (in an upright spin to the left)
    • Ailerons – Neutral
    • Rudder – Full Left
    • Elevator – Full Aft

    This is the type of spin condition that is typically taught during commercial FAA flight training.


In the aggravated spin recovery video demonstration below, the controls are deflected as follows prior to the spin recovery technique being applied:

  1. Ailerons – Out-Spin (full right aileron)
  2. Elevator – Full Forward
  3. Power – Full (in a left spin, with a right turning propeller, adding full power to the developed spin will flatten the spin due to gyroscopic effect – this means the nose will rise up towards the horizon)

This results in one of the most severe upright accelerated flat spin conditions attainable in an aircraft.
NOTE: In this particular clip, Manfred (the APS Trainee), was concerned with hurting his back so the recovery is limited to 2-G. Typically, when recovery is initiated, the amount of G commanded will be the maximum available within the operating envelope of the aircraft. This means the pilot should command a G-loading to remain slightly below the lift-limit of the aircraft (i.e. do not command sufficient after stick/yoke movement to generate a secondary stall) up to maneuvering speed (Va) and then, if applicable, not command a G-loading greater than the Limit Load of the aircraft above Va if the airspeed is allowed to increase beyond Va during the recovery phase. The aircraft type typically simulated at APS is a normal category aircraft with a positive G limitation of + 3.8 Gs.
The trainee in this video has received 2-hours of ground instruction on spins and spin recovery procedure prior to the in-flight demonstration. He has also completed one hour of in-flight instruction on the practical application of the Spin Recovery Procedure. The rate of delivery of the recovery steps during the maneuver is the speed at which they should be applied to effectively recover in this particular scenario in the Extra 300L to minimize altitude loss.


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