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Clean Sweep – All APS Upset Recovery Training Instructors Master Certificated Flight Instructors

APS advanced instructor pilot Emmanuel “Manu” Remy recently received his Master Certificated Flight Instructor accreditation with the aerobatic distinction (MCFI-A). With extensive all-attitude flight experience, objective third party recognition, and rigorous APS-proprietary airplane upset recovery specific training, APS instructor pilots are the most qualified in the world to teach comprehensive academic, on-aircraft, and advanced simulator Upset Prevention & Recovery Training (UPRT), and all APS UPRT instructors are now Master Certified Flight Instructors — a record unmatched in the aviation industry.

Original PRWeb Release: Clean SweepAll APS Upset Recovery Training Instructors Master Certified

MESA, ARIZONA – November 15, 2018 – Aviation Performance Solutions (APS) is proud to announce that all its Upset Recovery Training instructors across the United States in Arizona, Texas, and Alabama are now Master Certified Flight Instructors, another record unmatched in the aviation industry. Advanced pilot instructor Emmanuel “Manu” Remy is the most recent APS instructor to achieve the Master Certificated Flight Instructor designation, with the additional Aerobatic distinction (MCFI-A) , accredited by Master Instructors LLC. This achievement is just one component of the extensive training and experience required of APS advanced instructor pilots who teach fully comprehensive Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT). Manu’s accreditation makes him the 11th MCFI-A currently providing UPRT at APS.

Emmanuel “Manu” Remy was born and raised in Paris, France. His extensive and interesting aviation background includes time as an instructor pilot specializing in aerobatics and emergency maneuver training and international flying dropping sterile cattle flies for a USDA contract. He also spent over 10 years as an airline pilot and then was selected by the Experimental Aircraft Association to instruct at the headquarters of the world’s biggest airshow, “Air Venture,” in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. More about Manu: apstraining.com/Remy

The MCFI achievement is a national, FAA recognized accreditation earned through a rigorous process of continuing professional activity and peer review. The accreditation must be renewed biennially and signifies a true commitment to excellence and safety of flight operations. Master Instructors LLC relates, “Simply put, the Master Instructor designation is a means by which to identify those outstanding aviation educators, those “Teachers of Flight,” who are demonstrating an ongoing commitment to excellence, professional growth, and service to the aviation community.”

“Because safety of operations and highly qualified instructors are the key to effective, life-saving Upset Prevention & Recovery Training (UPRT), APS has set the standard for instructor training and qualification,“ says Paul BJ Ransbury, president of Aviation Performance Solutions. “Along with the achievement of MCFI-A status and extensive background experience, APS instructor pilots receive in-house UPRT-specific training according to industry best practices and proven, standardized techniques. APS instructors are the most qualified in the world to teach UPRT. ”


The Master Instructor designation is a national accreditation recognized by the FAA. Candidates must demonstrate an ongoing commitment to excellence, professional growth, and service to the aviation community, and must pass a rigorous evaluation by a peer Board of Review. The process parallels the continuing education regimen used by other professionals to enhance their knowledge base while increasing their professionalism. Designees are recognized as outstanding aviation educators for not only their excellence in teaching, but for their engagement in the continuous process of learning — both their own, and their students’. The designation must be renewed biennially and significantly surpasses the FAA requirements for renewal of the candidate’s flight instructor certificate. Learn why the Master Certified Flight Instructor program matters to APS.


Aviation Performance Solutions LLC (APS), headquartered at the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport in Mesa, Arizona, trains thousands of professional pilots and instructors in comprehensive Upset Prevention and Recovery Training skill development. APS provides integrated LOC-I solutions via industry-leading computer-based, on-aircraft (jet and piston), and full-flight simulator Upset Prevention & Recovery Training (UPRT). All training is in full compliance with the Airplane Upset Recovery Training Aid, FAA Advisory Circular 120-109A on Stall Training, ICAO Manual on Aeroplane Upset Prevention and Recovery Training, IATA Guidance Material and Best Practices for the Implementation of Upset Prevention and Recovery Training, and the FAA Advisory Circular 120-111 on Upset Prevention and Recovery Training. APS is the only Part 141 Flight School certified in the delivery of complete upset prevention & recovery, stall/spin and instrument upset recovery training courses worldwide. With additional training locations in Texas (USA), The Netherlands (Europe), and military division in Alabama (USA), APS provides global access to the highest quality Upset Prevention and Recovery Training available. Please visit our website at: apstraining.com

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