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APS VP Receives 2019 NBAA Professionalism in Aviation Award

 APS VP of Training and Business Development, Randall Brooks, has been awarded the 2019 NBAA Dr. Tony Kern Professionalism in Aviation Award for outstanding professionalism and leadership in support of aviation safety.

Official PRWeb Release: APS VP Receives 2019 NBAA Professionalism in Aviation Award

Las Vegas, Nevada – October 24, 2019 –

Aviation Performance Solutions (APS), the global leader in Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT), is pleased to announce that APS VP Training and Business Development, Randall Brooks, was awarded the 2019 NBAA Dr. Tony Kern Professionalism in Aviation Award at the National Aviation Business Aviation (NBAA) Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition (BACE) convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. The award recognizes individual aviation professionals who have demonstrated outstanding professionalism and leadership in support of aviation safety in the business aviation industry.

Randy “Random” Brooks has over 14 years experience working to mitigate the risk of Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) in the aviation industry. He has served in leadership positions for safety-oriented organizations such as UPRTA and ICATEE, and assisted in drafting FAA Advisory Circulars and other guidance material in the area of stall training and loss of control prevention. He has also appeared as a subject matter expert for multiple Aviation Rulemaking Committee proceedings on these subjects. Read more about Randy: apstraining.com/brooks/

“Randy Brooks has devoted his full time efforts to improving aviation safety for over a decade, and his dedication has influenced advancements in safety for the industry,” says Paul Ransbury, president of Aviation Performance Solutions. “Randy’s commitment to the APS mission to help pilots bring everyone home safely stems from a true passion for aviation and desire to serve fellow pilots and all who fly with them.”


Aviation Performance Solutions LLC (APS) trains thousands of professional pilots and instructors in comprehensive Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) skill development. UPRT programs include integrated LOC-I solutions via industry-leading computer-based, on-aircraft (jet, turboprop, and piston), and full-flight simulator UPRT. All training is in full compliance with the Airplane Upset Recovery Training Aid, FAA AC 120-109A, ICAO Manual on Aeroplane Upset Prevention and Recovery Training, IATA Guidance Material and Best Practices for the Implementation of UPRT, and the FAA AC 120-111 on UPRT. Headquartered at the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport in Mesa, Arizona, with additional training locations in the US and Europe, APS provides global access to the highest quality upset prevention and recovery training available. apstraining.com

EPIC-S2 Compliance Guide

To learn more about the Every Pilot In Control Solution Standard (EPIC-S2) or to get the compliance guide which outlines a comprehensive checklist of objective compliance parameters in each of the EPIC-S2TM Six Critical UPRT Program Implementation Factors, contact APS.


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