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Upset Training Course for ICAO Member Aviation Inspectors and Regulatory Authorities

On-aircraft UPRTAviation Performance Solutions LLC (APS), the global leader in Upset Prevention & Recovery Training (UPRT), announced the expansion of its service to specifically address the needs of ICAO member National Aviation Authorities and Aviation Safety Inspectors to include EASA and the FAA. These unique APS UPRT solutions are turnkey programs designed to aid regulators, inspectors and auditors in regulation development, proper implementation guidance and effective assessment of UPRT providers.

Official PRWeb Press Release: Upset Training Course for ICAO Member Aviation Inspectors and Regulatory Authorities

Singapore – September 2, 2019 – Aviation Performance Solutions LLC (APS), the global leader in Upset Prevention & Recovery Training (UPRT), announced today at the 16th Annual Asia Pacific AirlineTraining Summit (APATS) 2019 in Singapore their dedicated programs designed to meet the needs of ICAO member National Aviation Authorities (NAAs) such as EASA and the FAA. These turnkey NAA inspector and auditor programs have been developed in response to growing demand from regulatory authorities needing to understand the proper implementation of safe and effective on-aircraft and simulator-based UPRT to overcome aviation’s number one cause of fatal accidents, Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I).

Because of the complex nature of a comprehensive UPRT solution, it is imperative that regulators and inspectors gain a thorough understanding of proven solutions to effectively evaluate and offer corrective guidance to airlines and flight schools beginning to implement UPRT, or desiring to optimize their implementation of UPRT. APS NAA Regulator Upset Training immerses participants in a fully developed, proven-effective and comprehensive UPRT program that spans the spectrum of career-long UPRT implementation while adhering to all regulatory standards and requirements as well as proven best practices for safe and successful upset training.

This critical hands-on training allows regulatory authorities to directly observe and experience the critical factors of integrated regulatory-compliant UPRT and how they work together to develop the skills pilots need to tangibly reduce the number of accidents related to LOC-I. Most importantly, NAA inspectors and auditors will gain a deep and comprehensive perspective of the key safety concerns inherent in providing and administering UPRT. For example, participants see firsthand the operational controls and processes necessary to ensure the delivered UPRT is not only safely conducted, but also mitigates the dangers of negative training and negative transfer of skill to the end users.

“The APS Aviation Inspector/Regulator UPRT program thoroughly illustrates the optimized, efficient delivery of regulatory-compliant upset training for both on-aircraft cadet training as well as simulator based airline-level implementation,” said John Galea, TRI/TRE and Transport Malta – Civil Aviation Directorate Flight Operations Inspector. “Overcoming Loss of Control In-flight, aviation’s top cause of fatalities, must be done exceptionally well right from the start to ensure improved operational safety. APS’ leadership in establishing the standards and defining the best practices and common pitfalls of UPRT implementation was invaluable to Transport Malta – Civil Aviation Directorate and provides great benefit to any agency overseeing UPRT regulation, implementation, or compliance. Well done.”


Aviation Performance Solutions LLC (APS) trains thousands of professional pilots and instructors in comprehensive Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) skill development. UPRT programs include integrated LOC-I solutions via industry-leading computer-based, on-aircraft (jet, turboprop, and piston), and full-flight simulator UPRT. All training is in full compliance with the Airplane Upset Recovery Training Aid, FAA AC 120-109A, ICAO Manual on Aeroplane Upset Prevention and Recovery Training, IATA Guidance Material and Best Practices for the Implementation of UPRT, and the FAA AC 120-111 on UPRT. Headquartered at the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport in Mesa, Arizona with additional training locations in the US and Europe, APS provides global access to the highest quality upset prevention and recovery training available. www.apstraining.com

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Aviation Inspector/Regulator Upset Training demonstrates comprehensive Upset Prevention & Recovery Training (UPRT) in action to reduce the risk of LOC-I and increase pilot safety.


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