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South African Airways Launches Upset Training for Pilots

Posted on Monday 20th April 2015 | Airline by Halldale: South African Airways Launches Upset Training for Pilots

South African Airways (SAA) implemented advanced upset prevention and recovery training (UPRT) for its 750 pilots. The pilots will receive academic knowledge and simulator training based on the Airplane Upset Recovery Training Aid and other regulatory material.

The knowledge element of the training is provided through a tablet-based App on UPRT, developed by International Development of Technology and Aviation Performance Solutions (APS).

Four SAA instructors initially underwent an intense Jet Upset Simulator Instructor Program delivered by Aviation Performance Solutions (APS) in Phoenix, Arizona and then another six SAA instructors underwent the APS Train-the-Trainer program in the Netherlands.

The airline’s UPRT Project Leader, Senior First Officer Bradley Bennetts, said, “This program ensures that our instructors are not just aware of the fundamentals, but have actually been exposed to on-aircraft upset events, learned to manage their startle reflex, and are fluent on how to deliver this specialized training in the simulator

The 10 SAA instructors returned to South Africa to deliver academic and simulator training to the line pilots during the coming twelve months through self-studying using a tablet-based UPRT app in conjunction with a in a dedicated four hour sim session. Once completed, the airline will introduce small elements of the UPRT exercises into annual its recurrent training programmes. This is considered the minimum requirement for successful UPRT implementation.

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