Learn About the UPRT Pilot Mastery Framework

Extraordinary Career Opportunity for Retiring Airline Pilots


  • An Exciting Job Opportunity for Retiring Airline Pilots
  • Your All-Attitude Flying Experience Is Needed
  • Professional Aviation at its Best
  • Apply Now

The Great Crew Change

By now even non-pilots are familiar with the fact that coming retirements in the airline industry will soon be escalating to larger numbers than have ever been seen before. Most articles point to the need for new pilots to replace those who are retiring, or soon will be. This generational shift as pilots retire has been dubbed “The Great Crew Change” with newly trained pilots replacing decades of experience. There is another side to this story though, a silver lining if you will, for those retiring from flying the silver wings of airliners.

A Place Where All-Attitude Experience Counts

Retirement for airline pilots may be mandatory at age 65, but that is not when the fun has to stop. For some, retirement will lead to the rest and relaxation they have earned. There are others though, who are in good shape, enjoy flying, and may be interested in new challenges in aviation. For the significant number of airline pilots with all-attitude experience gained as fighter pilots or instructors on all-attitude capable military aircraft, there is no reason the rewards of flying need to end.
Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) requires instructor pilots experienced in the all-attitude domain, along with an understanding of the operational environment and limitations of Transport Category aircraft. Additionally, APS provides thorough UPRT specific training, ensuring APS instructor pilots are among the most qualified in the world. For retiring airline pilots, this could be a great way to pass on the expertise it has taken a career to gain, making over $100,000 per year while coming home to your own bed each night, and no working weekends.

APS Advanced Instructor Pilot

The path to being an APS Advanced UPRT Instructor Pilot is rigorous, with a systematic 5-6 week instructor pilot Up Grade (IPUG) program. Our robust and structured training program creates exceptionally standardized UPRT instructors capable of delivering advanced UPRT in the classroom or from the cockpit of an Extra 300L, one of the most capable aerobatic aircraft in the world. There is no doubt that this is serious professional flying, with schedules of up to four aerobatic flights per day teaching pilots a disciplined response to unexpected upset events.

Apply Now

If you have all-attitude experience as a former fighter pilot or military instructor, are recently retiring from airline service or will be soon, this could be a great way to make a contribution to the airmanship of the next generation of pilots and have a great time doing it. If this sounds like your next great flying adventure, you can apply now through APS LinkedIn.


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