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APS Awards 2016 Upset Recovery Training Scholarship

Aviation Performance Solutions LLC (APS) announced today the delivery of the 2016 Upset Prevention & Recovery Training Scholarship (a $4300 value) to Chin-An Lin, an international student at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. The annual scholarship awards a deserving pilot with the Professional Pilot Upset Training Course, which mitigates the risk of Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) by training pilots to recognize, prevent, and if necessary, recovery from an airplane upset.
Original PRWeb Press Release: APS Awards 2016 Upset Recovery Training Scholarship

Mesa, Arizona (PRWeb) September 1, 2016
2016 UPRT Scholarship WinnerAviation Performance Solutions LLC (APS), a global flight training organization, is pleased to announce completion of the 2016 Upset Prevention and Recovery Training Scholarship course by Chin-An Lin, a flight student at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University working toward a degree in Aeronautical Science. An international student from Taiwan, Chin-An aspires to become an air ambulance pilot and thereby incorporate both of his passions: flying and helping others.
Every year, APS donates one Professional Pilot Upset Training Course, a $4300 value, to a deserving pilot currently in flight school or just starting their professional aviation career. The course provides comprehensive Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT), integrating academics and on-aircraft instruction to mitigate the risk of Loss of Control-Inflight (LOC-I). The formative years of initial pilot training are the ideal time for pilots to experience UPRT. Modern UPRT compliments licensing training by ensuring pilots have a deep understanding of upset causes – with critical focus on prevention – and are trained to proficiency in the often counterintuitive skills necessary to recover from a developed airplane upset.
“The APS Upset Prevention and Recovery Training Scholarship program has armed me with critical piloting skill sets and mental preparation that will be with me throughout my aviation career,” said Chin-An. “I feel I can now confidently recover from almost any stall or upset situation, but the most important take-aways are a deep awareness of LOC-I contributing factors, perspective on how to manage startle and, most importantly, the skills to recognize and prevent an airplane upset before it develops. The very best upset recovery is to never get upset in the first place.”
“The UPRT Scholarship program is just one, but very important, way for APS to give back to the industry and the pilot community, and the training yields maximum impact in the career of a pilot to preserve the life and well being of every crew, family member and passenger they ever fly with,” said Paul Ransbury, President of APS. “Chin-An, an ambitious and dedicated professional pilot student with a firm intent to use his piloting skills to serve others in a number of ways, is the perfect candidate to receive this scholarship.”
APS offers upset prevention & recovery training to all sectors of aviation: airline, military/government, corporate, owner/operator and flight schools.
2017 APS Upset Training Scholarship – apply here:www.apstraining.com/scholarship/
Aviation Performance Solutions LLC (APS), headquartered at the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport in Mesa, Arizona, trains thousands of professional pilots and instructors in comprehensive upset prevention and recovery training skill development. APS provides integrated LOC-I solutions via industry-leading computer-based, on-aircraft (jet and piston), and full-flight simulator upset prevention & recovery training (UPRT). All training is in full compliance with the Airplane Upset Recovery Training Aid, FAA Advisory Circular 120-109A on Stall and Stick Pusher Training, ICAO Manual on Aeroplane Upset Prevention and Recovery Training, IATA Guidance Material and Best Practices for the Implementation of Upset Prevention and Recovery Training, and the FAA Advisory Circular 120-111 on Upset Prevention and Recovery Training. APS is the only Part 141 Flight School certified in the delivery of complete upset prevention & recovery, stall/spin and instrument upset recovery training courses worldwide. With additional training locations in Dallas (USA), The Netherlands (Europe) and the Saudi Arabia (Middle East), APS provides global access to the highest quality upset prevention and recovery training available. www.apstraining.com.


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