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Alpha Jet Upset Training Expands APS Services

Aviation Performance Solutions LLC (APS) and Top Aces Corp. announced today the addition of the Dornier Alpha Jet to Top Aces’ TA-4J Skyhawk and APS’s S211 Jet Training aircraft to provide the most diversified array of Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) solutions through APS for business jet pilots. UPRT reduces the risk of Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I), the leading cause of fatalities in business and commercial aviation worldwide.
Original PRWeb Press Release: Alpha Jet Upset Training Expands APS Services

Top Aces Alpha Jet used for APS Jet Upset Training
Top Aces is a world leading commercial provider of military jet training services, and is well suited to support APS’ leadership in jet upset training with our unique assets.

September 21, 2016 – Mesa, Arizona -Top Aces Corp. (“Top Aces”) a wholly-owned U.S. subsidiary of Discovery Air Inc., and Aviation Performance Solutions LLC (APS), an Arizona-based flight training organization, have announced the addition of Top Aces’ Dornier Alpha Jets to APS Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) services. The Alpha Jet joins Top Aces’ TA-4J Skyhawks and APS S211s to provide the widest array of jet training aircraft to implement APS’ cutting edge UPRT solutions. The arrangement reaffirms APS as the leading UPRT provider of comprehensive loss of control in-flight (LOC-I) training solutions for high-performance civilian jet pilots worldwide.
According to the August 2016 report published by the Commercial Aviation Safety Team, LOC-I is the leading cause of fatalities in business and commercial aviation. APS’s Advanced Jet Pilot Integrated Upset Training program comprehensively prepares pilots operating high-performance aircraft with the critical skills to prevent, and recover from, LOC-I conditions. The 4-day training consists of app-based preparatory academics, instructor-led classroom instruction, four UPRT sessions in an aerobatic-certified Extra 300L aircraft, a two-hour session in an advanced multi engine glass cockpit simulator, and a final flight in one of three available jet aircraft training platforms, all of which can focus on high-speed, high-altitude UPRT to include high-altitude stalls. This advanced course is part of the Leading Edge program, an initiative of Bombardier Business Aircraft’s renowned Safety Standdown program.
“Top Aces is a leader in high-performance air combat training for the U.S., NATO and allies worldwide, and is well suited to support APS’s leadership in jet upset training with our Alpha Jet and TA-4J aircraft,” said David Philman, Vice President of Top Aces. “The use of high-performance all-altitude jet aircraft provides the most robust training in upset prevention and recovery training for business and commercial aircraft today. Our Alpha Jets and Skyhawks allow pilots to safely train with confidence and investigate a wide variety of stall and upset recovery scenarios to help prevent loss of control in-flight.”
“Top Aces is a global team of aviation experts focused on the leading advancements in aviation training and solutions,” said Paul Ransbury, President of APS. “It is an honor and privilege for APS to add to its high-speed, high-altitude jet UPRT services with the addition of Alpha Jets backed by Top Aces’ highest technical and airworthiness standards.”
Top Aces, a wholly-owned U.S. subsidiary of Discovery Air, delivers cost-effective, leading-edge air combat training solutions for the U.S. military and allies worldwide. Our experienced team of professionals provides the most realistic air combat training required to generate modern, operationally capable, multi-purpose combat forces. To learn more on how Top Aces is changing the face of air combat training, visit: www.topaces.com
Aviation Performance Solutions LLC (APS), headquartered at the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport in Mesa, Arizona, trains thousands of professional pilots and instructors in comprehensive upset prevention and recovery training skill development. APS provides integrated LOC-I solutions via industry-leading computer-based, on-aircraft (jet and piston), and full-flight simulator upset prevention & recovery training (UPRT). All training is in full compliance with the Airplane Upset Recovery Training Aid, FAA Advisory Circular 120-109A on Stall and Stick Pusher Training, ICAO Manual on Aeroplane Upset Prevention and Recovery Training, IATA Guidance Material and Best Practices for the Implementation of Upset Prevention and Recovery Training, and the FAA Advisory Circular 120-111 on Upset Prevention and Recovery Training. APS is the only Part 141 Flight School certified in the delivery of complete upset prevention & recovery, stall/spin and instrument upset recovery training courses worldwide. With additional training locations in Dallas (USA), The Netherlands (Europe), Saudi Arabia (Middle East) and military division in Dothan (USA), APS provides global access to the highest quality upset prevention and recovery training available. www.apstraining.com.
For Aviation Performance Solutions Media Enquiries:
Carey Bryson, Marketing & Public Relations Manager
469-371-0645 USA | carey.bryson@nullapstraining.com
For Top Aces Media Enquiries:
Garrick Ngai, Director of Marketing, 514-348-0337 | garrick.ngai@nulltopaces.com

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