Aviation Performance Solutions (APS) is presenting a captivating industry webinar on lessons learned from the in-flight upset and recovery of an Airbus A340 that encountered a mountain wave over the Swiss Alps resulting in a severe overspeed followed by a stall.

Aviation Performance Solutions (APS), a global leader in Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT), announced today the upcoming free webinar: Airbus A340 Severe Overspeed and Stall Recovery that addresses the lessons learned from the upset and effective recovery of an Airbus A340 over the Swiss Alps as a result of a mountain wave encounter. Presenters will discuss factors that led to the event and subsequent stall recovery under extremely challenging conditions.
When: Thursday, November 19, 2020 at 8 a.m. (AZ Time) / 10:00 a.m. (EST)
Register Here: apstraining.com/a340apswebinar
“Understanding the resilience of Loss of Control In-flight despite the mitigating design of the aviation industry’s advanced technology and flight envelope protections, is an important reality for professional pilots to better understand,” said APS CEO Paul ‘BJ’ Ransbury.” We applaud the airline, its training department, and their line pilots who faced this harrowing upset event. The airline’s longstanding, robust Airbus Upset Prevention and Recovery Training program facilitated the crew’s ability to effectively transition to their ingrained, reality-based training to execute a successful recovery that saved many lives that day.”
Aviation Performance Solutions LLC (APS) trains thousands of professional pilots and instructors in comprehensive Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) skill development each year. APS UPRT programs include integrated Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) solutions via industry-leading computer-based, virtual, on-aircraft (jet, turboprop, and piston), and advanced simulator UPRT. All training is in full compliance with the Airplane Upset Recovery Training Aids – Revisions 2 and 3, FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 120-109A Stall Prevention and Recovery Training, ICAO Manual on Aeroplane Upset Prevention and Recovery Training, IATA Guidance Material and Best Practices for the Implementation of UPRT, and FAA AC 120-111 Upset Prevention and Recovery Training. Headquartered at the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport in Mesa, Arizona, with additional training locations in the USA and Europe, APS provides immediate, turnkey global access to comprehensive UPRT solutions.