Learn About the UPRT Pilot Mastery Framework

2-time Master CFI-Aerobatic: David “Zog” Carroll

David Carroll recently renewed his Master CFI-Aerobatic accreditation. Zog is the Director of Training Programs for Aviation Performance Solutions (APS), a Part 141 flight school at Mesa’s Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport (apstraining.com). A retired USAF fighter pilot in the F-15E and A-10, and T-38 instructor pilot, he specializes in aerobatics, and upset prevention and recovery training (UPRT).
Aviation Performance Solutions, LLC, along with Master Instructors LLC, is proud to announce that Dave Carroll of Scottsdale, Arizona, United States recently earned the Master Certificated Instructor-Aerobatic (MCFI-A) designation for the Second time.

Dave “Zog” Carroll, Master CFI-A at APS
Dave “Zog” Carroll, Master CFI-A at APS

Recently, Zog renewed his accreditation as a Master CFI-Aerobatic (Certificated Flight Instructor-Aerobatic) by Master Instructors LLC, the international accrediting authority for the Master Instructor designation as well as the FAA-approved Master Instructor Program. He first earned this national professional accreditation in 2013, holding it continuously since then.  Zog holds a bachelor’s degree in Aviation Leadership and Management from the University of Minnesota (1987), a master’s degree in Aeronautics with an Operations Specialization from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU, 1999), and is currently pursuing a PhD in Aviation, also from ERAU.  He is currently the Director of Training Programs for  Aviation Performance Solutions, a Part 141 flight school at Phoenix/Mesa Gateway Airport (IWA)
To help put these achievements in their proper perspective, there are approximately 97,000 CFIs in the United States. Fewer than 800 of those aviation educators have achieved that professional distinction thus far. The last 18 National Flight Instructors of the Year or FAASTeam Representatives of the Year were Master CFIs (see: http://www.GeneralAviationAwards.org/).  Dave is one of only 14 Arizona aviation educators who currently hold the prestigious “Master” title, one of the only 15 worldwide currently holding the aerobatic accreditation, and is one of only 151 worldwide to earn the credential two times. Additionally, he is one of nine (9) MCFI-As teaching at Aviation Performance Solutions.  APS continues to hold the record of more MCFI-A accredited instructors than any other training provider.  What’s more, APS UPRT instructors now make up over half of all currently accredited MCFI-As!
In the words of former FAA Administrator Marion Blakey, “The Master Instructor accreditation singles out the best that the right seat has to offer.”
The Master Instructor designation is a national accreditation recognized by the FAA. Candidates must demonstrate an ongoing commitment to excellence, professional growth, and service to the aviation community, and must pass a rigorous evaluation by a peer Board of Review. The process parallels the continuing education regimen used by other professionals to enhance their knowledge base while increasing their professionalism. Designees are recognized as outstanding aviation educators for not only their excellence in teaching, but for their engagement in the continuous process of learning — both their own, and their students’. The designation must be renewed biennially and significantly surpasses the FAA requirements for renewal of the candidate’s flight instructor certificate. Learn why the Master Certified Flight Instructor program matters to APS.


For Aviation Performance Solutions Media Inquiries:

Faye Hamilton, Marketing & Public Relations Manager
480-279-1881 USA | faye.hamilton@nullapstraining.com


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