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CAE Level-D CRJ-200/700/900 Simulator

Simulator Details

Location: Arizona

The CAE simulator is convertible between the Bombardier CRJ 200, 700 and 900 variants and is used for light multi-engine jet and regional airline UPRT training.

CRJ 200
Typical seating 50 passengers, the CRJ 200 features a Collins ProLine 4 avionics suite, Collins weather radar, CF34-3B1 model turbofans, new wings with extended span, more fuel capacity, and improved landing gear to handle the higher weights than its predecessor, the CRJ 100.

CRJ 700
The CRJ700 is a stretched 70-seat derivative of the CRJ 200 with a new wing with leading edge slats and a stretched and slightly widened fuselage, with a lowered floor.

CRJ 900
The CRJ 900 is a stretched 76–90 seat version of the CRJ 700, featuring two GE CF34-8C5 engines, 59.4 kN (13,400 lbf) thrust with APR, added leading edge slats and a maximum GTOW of 84,500 pounds. The engines are controlled by FADEC digital engine control instead of control cables and a fuel control unit. In typical service the CRJ 900 can cruise 8,000–10,000 ft higher with a slightly higher fuel burn and an average true airspeed of 450–500 knots, a significant improvement over its predecessor.


CRJ 200

CRJ 700 / 900

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