Learn About the UPRT Pilot Mastery Framework

Military & Government

Enhance Safety for Mission Success

Military and government operators are often required to fly in conditions that bring them close to the edge of the performance envelope to accomplish their assigned mission, potentially placing those aircrews at a greater risk of experiencing a Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I). Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) efficiently teaches pilots the critical skill set necessary to overcome human factors and prevent, or if necessary, recover from loss of control.


  • Develop ingrained skills to prevent, recognize, and correctly recover from LOC-I
  • Significantly increase manual aircraft handling and airmanship skills
  • Gain long-term skills, transferable between aircraft types
  • Fundamentally increase overall safety
  • Free up training resources through a partnership with APS for UPRT

Military & Government

Start by selecting an Initial Core UPRT Program based on your training needs and aircraft preference. Next, if desired, you can add additional training enhancements to further strengthen your training. All available core programs and enhancement options can be viewed below. If you are an APS course graduate, we recommend viewing the Recurrent Training option.


You can strengthen and further customize your UPRT program with APS by adding enhancements, from training in a jet and gaining simulator experience in a larger aircraft to receiving acrobatics and formation training. All enhancements are offered only as add-on choices to core and recurrent UPRT programs and are not available as stand-alone courses.

High-Altitude Jet Enhancement

Fly the S211 or similar jet to gain upset training augmenting core UPRT skills in a high-speed, swept-wing jet environment while integrating modern flight deck technologies. Available as a substitute for flying the Extra 300L in your UPRT course or as an additional add-on UPRT flight in a jet.

Advanced Spin Enhancement

Augment core UPRT knowledge and skills with a customized advanced spin awareness, prevention, and recovery session focusing on aerodynamic factors, dynamic properties, certification impacts, various recovery alternatives, and specific details related to the aircraft you typically fly.

Advanced Simulator Enhancement

The advanced multi-engine jet simulator session for crew members or single pilots is designed to transfer UPRT skills learned in aircraft sessions to transport category aircraft, taking into account the aircraft’s limited visibility, heavier control forces, lower pitch and roll rates, and reduced structural margins.

Instrument Enhancement

Ideal for pilots regularly flying in IFR conditions and at night, this dedicated instrument-only upset awareness, prevention, and recovery session expands UPRT skills to instrument-only stalls and severe attitude recoveries.

Formation Enhancement

This introduction to formation principles, techniques, and flight discipline is ideal for pilots of any aircraft type who perform flight test chases, air-to-air photography, cross-country ferry flights with multiple aircraft, or those who want to experience the manual handling challenges inherent to maneuvering relative to another aircraft.

Aerobatics Enhancement

Enhance your UPRT skills with basic aerobatics instruction designed to increase aircraft handling. Typical maneuvers include various rolls, loops, half Cuban eights, and spins, as well as the hammerhead turn, Immelmann, split S, tail slide, avalanche, and other optional freestyle aerobatics.


This powerful recurrent upset training course revitalizes the critical LOC-I UPRT skillsets APS graduates receive during APS initial core UPRT. Recommended annually with re-initial training recommended every 5 years, the Recurrent Training course is only available to APS UPRT course graduates.

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