Join Us for the 2024 UPRT Safety Summit! - Registration Is Open!

Customized Aerobatics

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Aviation Performance Solutions (APS) has focused on addressing aviation safety issues associated with Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) for more than three decades. During that time, we developed a long-standing trust in the global aviation community as an organization that unfailingly supports the safety needs, expectations, and challenges faced by manufacturers, government agencies, airlines, flight departments, regulators, flight schools, and industry safety organizations.

APS is the world’s most experienced training provider of airplane Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT). Our team integrates distance learning, tablet/phone applications, on-aircraft piston and jet platforms, advanced simulators, train-the-trainer programs, recurrency, and specialized consulting services into safe and long-lasting UPRT solutions. With four worldwide locations and thousands of pilots served each year with a unique UPRT expertise, APS remains the undisputed leader in delivering a variety of training solutions to manage aviation’s most lethal threat to air safety—Loss of Control In-flight.

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